Childhood Connections to Play

  • Select two quotes that you feel summarize what play represented for you in childhood.


children need

let children play


kids in woods

This picture reminds me when we use to travel through the woods. Exploring on our own and no one there to stop us. Some time we would forget to go home to eat because of the fun we were having. We would use old twined vines we called Tarzan’s vine to cross any water creeks that we were afraid to cross on feet, or if the hills for crossing was to high.

 at thr end of the day

This was me, when I was young, we did not go home until our feet were messy with dirt.  We climbed and swing on Tarzan vine almost every day.  Most of the time we played bare footed.

  • Include two to three pictures of essential play items for your younger self.


.   swine ball                           children hula


children playing marblesWe were either playing jacks or playing with rocks for marbles.

children playing with parts

This picture really looks like we did  while playing in one our friends back yard with different things from my back yard and the  others children’s yards

  • Describe how people supported play when you were younger and/or the role of play in your childhood. I am from the old school, whenever we have time we were at play, my mother had no trouble with me and my sibling playing.  We had only one television in the house.  We would in the summer times watch cartoons from 9:00 to 12 p.m.  When the cartoon went off. We would go outdoors and play.  Some time it would be dust dark when we got back into the house. Even when other adults came over, the children had to go out door and play. That was our opportunity to participate in pretend play. I loved pretend play because I had a big imagination. Most of our play time was free from adults.  Adults did not participate in playing they just wanted us to get outside and play.


  • Write a brief entry on how you feel play today is similar or different from the play in which you engaged as a child and what your hope for young is now with regard to play.

Play when I was young is different because most of the time when you said go play.  We went out door and had to find something to play with.  We made up our own toys out of wood sticks, rocks, or anything else depending on our theme that we were playing out. We would get a hose and use it for a jump rope. Use twined vines for a ball. And a piece of stick was our bat.

Children today when are told to go play. They can walk into the next room get on the computer, go out into the yard there is a gym for them with a sledge and swing.  They have the jump ropes, real ball and bat. However, they are not enjoying play as I did when I was young. It was never too cold or too hot for us to go out to play

  • Include your thoughts regarding the role of play throughout your life and/or the role of play throughout childhood and adulthood.

My thought regarding play is that I feel that as a young child I might not have had all the expense toys to play with, but I did do my share of playing.  Play stated with me throughout my life. Even in my teen years when my friends wanted to date and have boyfriends my thing was to get a lot of us together and go down in the big field and have a good soft ball game. Now I can play with my grandchildren, because I know how important play is for their growth.  You know even as an adult I feel the urges to play every once in a while.






Relationship Reflection

  1. Explain why relationships/partnerships are important to you (If you would like, upload a photo or photos of people* who are important to you)

I am an Apostle.  I think that relationship and partnership started with God.  God wanted a relationship, so he created man.  Then he made woman and man to become partner in this relationship to make it successful.  Their relationship was to be joined together as partners working on the goal that God planned out for them.

I also think that when a man and woman gets marry they are join together in a relationship/partnership.  It is important for a marriage because each person have a say so in their relationship.  How the relationship stands and how they reach their goal is that they must work together as partners one to the other.  They must together share whatever come in their marriage together.


  1. Identify several people with whom you currently have positive relationships and/or partnerships


This is my brother he has always encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be.  He was the one that supported me as I began my journey to my career as a high-quality twenty-four hours’ childcare provider.


This is my husband.  He is still encouraging me to go for it.  He is my back bone.  God have blessed us to be together for 29 years. We have a strong relationship.


These are my wonderful children.  They have been a great help to me as I begin my journey.  When I cannot understand something, they will come and explain it to me in a way that I can grasp and understand better.

  1. Describe insights regarding challenges to developing and maintaining relationships that you have learned from your experience over time

The challenges that I have seen is relationships are communication and taking the other person for granted.  There must be open ended communication flowing both ways.  Some relationships one person is doing all the work while the other just ride alone.

  1. What do you see as special characteristics of these relationships that make some, if any, partnerships?

Trust is a basic special characteristic that I see in these relationships. Another is the need to know that in a relationship partners should be loyal and solid. If the partnership is in need of support or guidance, the partners trust they can come together in a way where needs and concerns can be met and realized.  WE usual have a table talk, where we put it all on the table. There must be support from all that are within the relationship.  And we encourage each other all the time

10 Characteristics of Unstoppable Partnerships: Retrieved from:

  1. How might your experiences with relationships/partnerships, including your ability to be an active, reflective contributor, impact your work as an effective early childhood professional?

I have been married for 29 years.  We have an effective partnership/relationship. It will help me to be an effective early childhood professional.  I will be trustworthy, nonbiased, have an open ear, be slow to speech and quick to hear.  In my relationships, I try to understand and above all I have a sincere desire to make my relationships work.  That’s how me and my husband stay together so long.  And we respect each other even when it does not seem appropriate.

When I Think Of Child Development


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All children are born to grow, to develop, to live, to love, and to articulate their needs and feelings for their self-protection.”
― Alice Miller

When i think of child development – Bing images

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We can help to bring out the art of each child that we come in contract with.


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I would first, like to say to My Professor Dr. MC Craft:  I have appreciated being in this course with you.  Thank for all the comment that you gave me.  I took each one serious.  Whatever you told me to do I tried to do it.  Thanks also for your encouraging word during my mother death.

To my Peers, once again we made it, we survived.  One more important step toward our goal. I hope that I see some of you again in the next course.  However, if I do not.  May my God bless you as you pursue your dream?  Continue with the good work that you all are doing.  I enjoyed reading each of the posts.  You know we really do need to respond to each other.  Because I got great insight from reading you guys post.  Again, thanks for all the things that I learned from each of you.

Testing for Intelligence?

Children learn and express what they know in many different ways Howard Gardner has proposed a view of intelligence that takes into account then many ways in which people express their knowledge through his theory of multiple intelligence. I Q is said to be too limited, and can change over times.  However, “multiple intelligences include creative and practical abilities as well as many skills not usually valued in typical North American school.” (Berger, K. S. (2016). 


China has a consistent teacher development system. Teaching has historically been and remains today a highly respected profession in China. Teachers have strong preparation in their subject matter and prospective teachers spend a great deal of time observing the classrooms of experienced teachers, often in schools attached to their universities. Once teachers are employed in school, there is a system of induction and continuous professional development in which groups of teachers work together with master teachers on lesson plans and improvement.

Consequences of Stress on Children’s Development

Consequences of Stress on Children’s Development

I am the eight children of sixteen children my mother had.  One of the stress that I can remember is hunger.  There was time when we had nothing to eat.  The thing that I say my mother do to make sure that we had at least one good meal a day was a miracle from God.  We had a wooden stove that she cooked on.  Which made it hard for her to get wood for it.  Because back then there was no wood sold as you see it around stores.  You had to go out in the back and chop down a tree and cut the wood for yourself.  We laugh now about how hungry we used to be that we would try to lure birds into the house so we could kill them for food.  We would have plenty of food in the summer, because my parents would have a garden.  But with 16 children by the middle of winter we were back to the same old thing.  Then we Moved to North Carolina and thing started to look a little better.   My precious mother would can all summer long.  But now she had food stamps to help he in the winter.  That’s just one of the good thing that I think about my mother.  She worked hard to keep something for us 16 children to eat.

War In Syria

The Children of Syria: Dealing with the Impact of War Retrieved from:

“On 21 March, Gareth Owen, the Humanitarian Director for Save the Children, came to the Temple of Peace to give a presentation on the impact of the war on the children of Syria.” “The report found that 71% of the children interviewed suffered from bedwetting, which is a sign of toxic stress. Also, 80% have noticed that they are more aggressive than before the war, and 50% of the older children interviewed have turned to drugs. The children interviewed emphasized that they will never feel safe at school. The statistics given in the presentation have made it clear that the war in Syria is affecting the children in a detrimental way, and I share the opinion of many when I say that we cannot let it continue. This brings me back to the main theme of Owen’s presentation: although the situation in Syria is horrific, there is still time to act, many children can heal, there is still hope.” (Marks, Georgia. Mar. 28, 2017).

Dealing with Poverty in India March 14, 2007 Retrieved from:

Poverty in Indian

Even though India is growing, All the growths are indeed achievements on which every Indian citizen can take pride.  But one question that arises in the minds of all sensible Indians is by what indicators we measure our development, growth and achievements. We still hear of “starvation deaths”, “farm suicides” and of deaths due to mal-nutrition in India.  The following are some of the headlines in Indian newspapers: “Children die of chronic malnutrition” (The Hindu, April 21, 2006, p.13); “Famine,  an affliction of the Poor” (The Hindu, August 5, 2005, p.15), “Life on the fringes” (The Hindu,  August 1, 2004, p.14), “Poverty-stricken farmers……eat rat meat” (The Hindu, February 2003, p.3). According to an U.N. report, more than one-third of malnourished children of the world are in India.  It is estimated that around 6,000,000 children under five die each year in India.

Violence in Britain

Despite relatively limited gun ownership and availability, Britain has experienced several mass shootings in the past 25 years.

n August 19, 1987, 27-year-old Michael Ryan went on a bloody rampage for several hours in the southern English town of Hungerford, Berkshire armed with a pistol, hand grenade and an automatic rifle. He murdered 16 people and wounded over a dozen others, before he shot himself after being tracked down in a college building in the town.

In the wake of the Hungerford massacre, Britain introduced new legislation — Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 — making registration mandatory for owning shotguns and banning semi-automatic and pump-action weapons.

Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns.

Racism in Africa Retrieved from:


“A number of nations in Africa are at war or civil war, or have been very recently, just few years after they have gained their independence from former colonial countries.  While most of the conflicts have resources at their core and involve a number of non-African nations and corporations, additional fuel is added to the conflict by stirring up ethnic differences and enticing hatred. (Also not that the artificial boundaries imposed in Africa by European colonialism and imperialism during the divide and rule policies has further exacerbated this situation and plays an enormous role in the root causes of these conflicts compared to what mainstream media presents.)  In Zimbabwe, there has been increasing racism against the white farmers, due to poverty and lack of land ownership by Africans.  South Africa until recently suffered from Apartheid, which legally segregated the African population from the Europeans.”

Racism in Asia

In Cambodia, there has been a strong anti-Vietnamese sentiment.  In Indonesia there has been a lot of violence against the affluent Chinese population who have been blamed for economic problems that have plagued the country in recent years.  As noted by Wikipedia in an article on racism, until 2003, Malaysia enforced discriminatory laws limiting access to university education for Chinese students who are citizens by birth of Malaysia, and many other laws explicitly favoring bumiputras (Malays) remain in force.

In India, there has long been discrimination against what is considered the lowest class in Hinduism, the Dalits, or untouchables, as well as sectarian and religious violence. Although it has been outlawed by the Indian Constitution, the caste system was a way to structure inequality into the system itself. And while outlawed, the social barriers it creates is still prevalent in rural areas where most Indians live. It also features in the view of Hindu extremists and traditionalists.  At various times, there have also been tensions between different religious groups, such as Hindus and Muslims with both sides having their fair share of extremists. While this is not racism, technically — as people of all classes are of the same race — the prejudice that had come with the caste system is quite similar to what is seen with racism.



Child Development and Public Health

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS):

I chose sudden infant death syndrome.  It is the sudden and unexpected death of a healthy child who is younger than one year old, usually during sleep. The cause of sudden infant death syndrome is not known.  I chose it because I have heard so much about it that it has made me curious about it.  Once I obtain more information about this subject the better it will be to try to explain new parents with young babies.  Doctors do not know exact how and why SIDS happen.  But they have several theories that will help them to understand SIDS.  SIDS has many different causes that could answer the question of why?   Here are some of the causes of SIDS; “mother might use drugs while she was pregnant, an undetected fast-acting viral or bacterial infection, and cigarette smoking in the home.  More infants die of SIDS within the first few months of their life than later.  This is a good thing to know.  Parents can be careful with their infants.” Berger, K. S. (2016).  T was also stated that certain children seem to be at risk of SIDS: “boys, infants with brothers or sister who died of SIDS, preterm infants, low-weight infants, infants with low Apgar scores, and infants with respiratory problem.  Several recommendations to the parent to help cut down on SIDS. Research shows that:

  • Back sleeping carries the lowest risk for SIDS and is recommended.
  • Stomach sleeping carries the highest risk for SIDS—between 1.7 and 12.9 times the risk of back sleeping. It is not recommended.
  • The side-lying position also increases the risk. It is unstable and babies can easily roll to their stomach. It is not recommended.


American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.      (2011; reaffirmed 2014, October). SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths: Expansion of recommendations for a safe infant sleeping environment. Pediatrics, 128(5), e1341–e1367. Retrieved June 7, 2016, from

Berger, K. S. (2016). The developing person through childhood (7th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers

US Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health  Retrieved from:

Sudden infant death syndrome: Around the World:

The rise for SIDS in African American is still high.

  • Liss supervision of infants
  • Lows birth rate at birth
  • Mother Smokes
  • Infants sleeps with parents

Sudden Infant Deaths are rare in Chinese — But WHY ?
(by Yeung, Chap-Yung)

Some reasons

  • Parental “Over-caring/ Over-proactive behaviors- closer and more vigilant supervision of infants-caring behaviors could have corrected many minor Near-Miss events, preventing real SIDS
  • The back to sleep position used
  • Chinese infants have higher IgG level at birth rate

“This was a population-based sudden infant death syndrome case-control study over 3 years (1998–2001) in Germany.

RESULTS. There were 333 sudden infant death syndrome cases and 998 matched controls. Although only 4.1% of the infants were placed prone to sleep, those infants were at a high risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Those who were unaccustomed to sleeping prone were at very high risk, as were those who turned to prone. Bed sharing (especially for infants younger than 13 weeks); duvets; sleeping prone on a sheepskin; sleeping in the house of a friend or a relative (compared with sleeping in the parental home); and sleeping in the living room (compared with sleeping in the parental bedroom) increased the risk for sudden infant death syndrome; pacifier use during the last sleep was associated with a significantly reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome.”

Retrieved from: Sleep Environment Risk Factors for Sudden Infant Death …

This finding was good to know. “Within the past five years, the number of deaths attributed to the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has fallen dramatically in the UK,’ 2 New Zealand,3 Australia,4 the Netherlands,5 Norway,6 Denmark,7 and Ireland.8 In England and Wales, the number of SIDS victims has fallen by nearly 70% from 1593 in 1988 to 531 in 19921 (see table 1). The decline has coincided with public health advice to avoid the prone sleeping position.”  (Ruth Gilber)




Birthing Experiences

My Personal Birthing Experience

I remember my sixth son birth.  I was 35 when I got pregnant with him.  The pregnant was tiring.  It had been 10 years before I had been pregnant.  I went the whole term.  However, the strange thing about it was at the time of deliverance, I could not deliver the child.  I had to have a c section.  His heart begin to fall.  They told me that my body could not deliver him because of the time between having my other child.

The Netherlands

Most expectant moms in Holland don’t see an obstetrician, but are instead referred by their family doctor to a local midwife practice. Doctors only intervene in high-risk cases or if complications arise during delivery. Dutch women decide whether they want a home or hospital delivery. I was surprised to learn that more than half of the women at my midwife’s practice deliver at home. In fact, all expectant mothers in Holland are required to pick up a kraampakket that includes all the medical supplies necessary for a home birth. If you choose not to deliver at home, your midwife will make a house call to check on the progress of your labor and determine the ideal time for you to go to the hospital.

Even if you opt for a hospital birth, it’s unlikely that you’ll get an epidural. Epidurals are usually only given if it’s convenient for the anesthesiologist’s schedule (people often joke about the Dutch 9-to-5 epidural) or if an obstetrician determines it is necessary. Giving birth naturally remains the ideal for the clear majority of Dutch women. As my due date approached, I became more open to the idea, and in the end, no one was more surprised than I was to realize I had given birth to our son without any painkillers.

If a mother gives birth early in the day without complications, she and the baby may go home in as little as two hours. Then the unique Dutch system of kraamhulp (maternity home care) is set into motion. For seven days, we had a nurse come to our home, a benefit covered by insurance. Not only did she provide medical care, but she also cleaned our apartment, cooked, and instructed us in basic parenting skills.

To All my early childhood friends

Well its the last week,  It will be by to some and others i hope we will continue this journey onward together. I would like to think all who respond to my post and blog.  Your responds meant so much to me.  You all was my back bone that helped me hang in here to the end. I would like to say to all May God enrich your passion to continue onward to your finish goal.

Codes of Ethics

I-1.5—To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.

A teacher’s job to help all students learn, a professional code of ethics also addresses a teacher’s responsibility to keep students safe. Teachers must abide by all school and classroom safety procedures to ensure student safety. It’s also a teacher’s responsibility to report instances of bullying and harassment. If a teacher suspects cases of abuse or neglect, or a student confides in a teacher in cases of abuse or neglect, the teacher is required to report it to the proper authorities, even if the student requests otherwise.

I-2.3—To welcome all family members and encourage them to participate in the program.

Families are the most important part in the children’s development. Because this the family and the teachers have a common interest in the child’s well-being and development. Families should have access to the teacher’s classroom without permission.


I-3A.1—To establish and maintain relationships of respect, trust, confidentiality, collaboration, and cooperation with co-workers.

a school, teachers must collaborate with administrators, fellow teachers and other employees in order to provide a safe and positive learning experience for students. A teacher must follow the direction of administrators, even if rules or expectations seems unreasonable, in order to avoid undermining an administrator’s authority and to set a positive example for students. When disagreements arise between teachers, they must handle the disagreements in private and refrain from talking negatively about colleagues in front of students. In addition, teachers must engage in appropriate relationships with colleagues, keeping personal feelings and adult behaviors out of the school.

I-3B.2—To do nothing that diminishes the reputation of the program in which we work unless it is violating laws and regulations designed to protect children or is violating the provisions of this Code

A teacher shall not engage in any act that brings the Employer into disrepute.


My Blog: Course Resources

Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8:

Education in early childhood:

Gartrell D. & Gartrell J. J. Guidance Matters:, Guidance Bullying pdf.

Rights of the Child-Global Issues:

Children’s Rights: International and National /Law…

new educational quotes – Bing images


National Association for the Education of Young Children …

Ethics | National Association for the Education of Young … ›

Books | National Association for the Education of Young … › Publications